Wednesday, 3 December 2008

The View from the Other Side

Well, here they are:

my irritating little buggers of wisdom teeth.  In my first year I spent two weeks with an oral surgery department and saw several patients have their wisdom teeth out under general anaesthetic.  This week it was my turn.  What a weird experience to be on the other side, to be the one led into theatre and asked to lie down on the table.  "Sharp scratch" is what I've heard them say a thousand times when they put the cannula in...not so bad really, "This might feel painful as it goes in" is what they say when they inject the propofol (the white coloured anaesthetic)...and it really does hurt.

Anyway, I'm left doped up on painkillers and getting bored with episodes of ER.  I'd kill to be able to eat Big Mac.

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